Việc du học Canada cần nhiều bước chuẩn bị, một trong những bước quan trọng trong bộ hồ sơ du học đó là study plan. Đây được xem là văn bản tiên quyết và quan trọng nhất giúp học sinh thuyết phục chuyên viên Di trú về lý do du học của bạn. Cùng tìm hiểu một số lưu ý quan trọng tạo một study plan hoàn chỉnh.
Giới thiệu về study plan
Study plan dùng để làm gì?
Study plan (SP) hay còn gọi là statement of purpose (SOP) là bản giải trình chi tiết thông tin của học sinh, học vấn, kinh nghiệm làm việc cũng như kế hoạch học tập và định hướng sau khi du học Canada. Đây được xem là bằng chứng thuyết phục Lãnh sự quán về mục tiêu du học của học sinh để xét visa.
Cách viết study plan cho du học sinh CANADA
Dàn ý study plan khi nộp hồ sơ du học Canada
- Thông tin cá nhân
- Nền tảng học vấn & thành tích
- Kinh nghiệm công việc (nếu có)
- Lý do quyết định du học
- Lý do chọn Canada để du học
- Lý do chọn ngành
- Lý do chọn trường, tỉnh bang
- Kế hoạch sau khi tốt nghiệp
Những lưu ý khi viết study plan
- Đọc bài mẫu để hình dung hướng viết, tránh sao chép vì mỗi người có một hoàn cảnh và trình độ học vấn khác nhau. Phải làm sao để khi đặt tất cả các dữ kiện vào trong bài, mọi thứ phải thật nhất quán và thuyết phục.
- Không có giới hạn cho một mẫu study plan nào cả. Nhưng nên tóm gọn trong tầm 2 tới 3 trang để cho mọi thứ thật súc tích và không nên quá dài lê thê.
- SP nên do chính bản thân học sinh tự viết và lối hành văn cũng như cách dùng từ nên tương đương với trình độ tiếng Anh hiện tại của bạn.
- Chỉnh sửa lỗi ngữ pháp và cách dùng từ cho phù hợp.
- Khi viết SP cũng chính là thời gian để nhìn nhận lại chính mình, đánh giá năng lực bản thân và xem thực sự mình sẽ phải chọn ngành gì, nghề gì mình sẽ theo đuổi trong 10-20 năm tới. Do đó, có vẻ hơi “đao to búa lớn” nhưng SP nên bao gồm tầm nhìn, giá trị bạn muốn theo đuổi và những ước mơ của cuộc đời sẽ dễ thuyết phục Lãnh sự quán về việc du học của bạn.
- Với một SP tốt, thì tất cả các câu từ và nội dung trong SP phải mang dấu ấn cá nhân của người nộp đơn và khởi phát từ câu chuyện về cuộc đời bạn.
- Có thể nói rằng SP là một phương tiện để thể hiện những ước mơ và khao khát cháy bỏng của bạn nhằm thuyết phục Lãnh sự. Bạn cần đặt tất cả dữ kiện lên bàn và cân nhắc xem sẽ đưa vào SP tình tiết nào làm cho câu chuyện cuộc đời bạn sinh động và thuyết phục nhất.
- Một trong những điều quan trọng nhất của SP là phải thể hiện rằng bạn không có ý định ở lại Canada sau khi du học. Việc học là cơ hội bạn tiếp cận kiến thức để hỗ trợ cho quá trình làm việc của bạn tại Việt Nam hoặc các nước khác chứ không phải tại đất nước bạn du học. Nhưng theo, bạn cũng không nhất thiết phải nêu quá rõ ràng về chuyện này, chỉ cần bạn thể hiện được trong SP rằng việc học sẽ giúp ích cho nghề nghiệp tương lai của bạn cho quê hương hay các xu hướng công việc đang thịnh hành.
Các mẫu study plan thực tế đã đậu visa du học
Bài mẫu study plan 1 – Khóa post graduate ngành Project Management – Information Technology
The General Consulate of Canada in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is XXXX. Today, I am writing this letter to explain the reasons why I am applying for a study permit for the postgraduate certificate named Project Management – Information Technology at XXX College.
This letter will provide you with an overview of my education background, employment history after university graduation to present as well as my plans for future education and career.
When I was a high school student, I always set my heart on starting my own business and found it interesting to research more new business models. Therefore, I strove to pass the entrance exam for the XXX university and graduated with an overall GPA of 7.8/10. During my study at the university, I was proactive and passionate about taking part in many business research activities and won the third prize in the faculty of Economics and Management. In addition, as I was keen on expanding my social circles in business and learning about startup basics, I registered for a short-term course of the startup at XXX Institute.
Support Family Business
After graduating from university, since my family business was facing fierce competition from the traditional market, I determined not to look for a job immediately but helped my parents improve the situation. I gave them a hand to get new customers, increase sales, research and expand the new product lines. More importantly, I also took part in business events and realized opportunities in Online Marketing that can apply to my family business. At this time, I learned how to design banners and a catalog with Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator on my own. I also built a new Facebook page, wrote content for the page, posted classified ads on forums, and had a website vendor build a new site.
In 2020, after more than 2 years of supporting my family business, my family business has gained a foothold in the market, especially as we have gotten more strategic partners. Realizing that my family’s business has overcome difficulties and settled down, it was time for me to think about my career.
Embark On a Professional Digital Marketing Career
Thanks to the experience of working in my family’s business, I found that more than 60% of new customers were from the internet. Apparently, Digital Marketing is a useful tool to help the company develop and reduce business costs. I was really interested in this job and decided to apply for the position of SEO Executive in XXX Company.
During that time, I also participated in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Online Marketing courses to improve my expertise in digital marketing. Then, in order to apply the knowledge gained from Online Marketing courses and increase the understanding of global business markets, I applied for the position of Digital Marketing Executive in XXX Company.
After that, I accelerated my career to the higher-level position of Digital Marketing Specialist in XXX Company and then my current company – XXX. My current company has offices in Melbourne, Australia and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It has been operating in the industry for over 10 years and gained a good reputation in delivering innovative technology services. My regular tasks are developing content for new projects, researching, planning, and executing digital marketing campaigns. I am also in charge of working with website designers and developers to create appropriate outcomes, testing websites and applications, making sure the standards followed and deadlines met.
Though I reach my KPI (Key Performance Indicator) monthly and have good compensation from the company for my effort, I still find it difficult to grasp the work of developers since I do not have a background in information technology. Therefore, my perspective is too narrow compared to the scale of large projects that my company is implementing. Communication skill is also my weakness because sometimes I find it tough to explain the finer details of what the projects need with developers. Additionally, I lack the tools to support effective project management, thus some complex projects were behind schedule and sometimes did not meet customers’ expectations. In addition, I still saw errors after new sites have launched, mainly because of the careless mistakes during functional and performance testing.
For me, job satisfaction is not just about money but about the career path to determine how well my career would go farther. I am still not content with my current position as a Digital Marketing Specialist. My career path which can be shown as follows, including the short-term goal to become an IT Project Manager.
After searching for information on the internet and through Project Management training centers in my city, I saw that Project Management courses in Vietnam are theoretical and lack practical knowledge in the workplace. The length of these courses is short, from 30 to 50 hours. It is known that North America countries are the best places providing training courses about information technology around the world, in which the United States and Canada are the top countries with tertiary education, especially in the IT sector.
Through the internet, I found there are only a few choices in project management courses in the USA, and their curriculums are not relevant to what I need. Then I got further information and learned that Canada is one of the developed countries with advanced education in information technology, in which Toronto, Ontario is the most outstanding city. It provides me with great opportunities to connect with the IT community, and the tuition fee is more economical than other countries like the USA. Moreover, I returned to my older sister who has been studying in Canada for one year. She also had positive feedback about the learning environment here. Therefore, I believe that Toronto is the best place for me to accumulate the knowledge and necessary skills for my career.
As far as I know, since Canada has had almost no Master programs in IT project management and I cannot meet the requirements to attend the Master course, I turned into postgraduate one of shorter-length. I have researched the curriculum of project management courses from famous colleges in technology in Ontario, such as Humber, George Brown, Conestoga, Algonquin, Centennial, Fleming. Finally, I decided to choose XXX College because this school offers me some subjects about project management which I find extremely interesting and useful for my future career, such as:
- Fundamentals of Systems Development, Advanced IT Project Management: supporting me in learning basic project management concepts, how to understand and manage complex IT projects, and analyze current project management dilemmas.
- IT Project Management Fundamentals Tools and Techniques: helping me to watch the project progress at every step to ensure it delivers what all is required, in the stipulated time, within the allocated budget.
I think the 8-month study period is sufficient for me to obtain the necessary knowledge about project management in the IT industry. Most importantly, I also have an additional Work-Integrated Learning Term that offers me a practical working environment to develop my professional skills to become a Project Manager in technology companies and digital marketing agencies later.
According to PMI (2017) and Viet Nam News (2019), IT Project Manager is a job with a good career prospect. Therefore, after completing my study plan mentioned above, I will be confident to use my knowledge, foreign language competency, experience accumulated from my studies in Canada to apply for a Project Manager position at large technology corporations and set up a digital agency for my own in the future.
I look forward to hearing good news from you so that I can make my dream come true. I truly believe that with your acceptance, it will be the first extremely good step for me to achieve my goals.
If there is any more information you need to know, please contact me via my email
Yours Faithfully,
PMI (2017). Project Management Job Growth and Talent Gap 2017–2027. Retrieved from .
Viet Nam News (2019). Viet Nam has high demand for IT workforce. Retrieved from .
Bài mẫu study plan 2 – Khóa post graduate ngành Paralegal
Dear Visa Office,
My name is ABCD. Today, I am writing this letter to state the reason why I chose to be a Paralegal Postgraduate of XYZ College in Canada.
Law is the major that I have always been interested in since high school. It is really vital nowadays to know and understand thoroughly domestic as well as international law, especially with those whose major is law. Therefore, in order to make my dream come true, I registered and got accepted into the University of Law, Ho Chi Minh City – the best university in Vietnam known for education and training of law. I was armed with a strong foundation of knowledge about law here.
After graduation, with all of the useful knowledge that I have learnt about, I have worked as a secretary at HKT Law Office, LMA Notary Office. Then I was appointed to be a Notary in 2020. My duties were to conduct research and analysis of legal documents, prepare or review legal opinions, resolutions, contracts as well as to advise international and local clients in applicable laws and regulations. These days, the law of Vietnam has changed some policies to make it more flexible for foreigners to buy apartments in Vietnam. Moreover, a lot of foreign enterprises have invested in Vietnam in many different industries and they always need to be consulted about contract law as well as other related laws. While working as a notary, I have had some difficulties which I consider are my deficiency that I need to overcome and improve more. Those difficulties include my not-so-good skills in legal research, oral and written advocacy, critical thinking, problem solving. Furthermore, I realize that I myself need to learn more in a higher program to maintain as well as grow my skills, widen my knowledge about international law. As a result, instead of attending a master program in Vietnam which still specializes more in theory, I choose to study abroad to fulfill what I have planned for.
I have done research on a program which I found really interesting and suitable with my intention – Paralegal. As far as I know, Canada is a country famous for education and training in this kind of industry. Knowing what and where I want to study, I research more about colleges that do have training in this program. While researching online and through my friends, I know about some schools opening this major including: Niagara, Humber, Conestoga or Durham College. Moreover, after reading carefully what curriculum that each school offers, I decided to choose XYZ College because this school offers some courses about Paralegal which I find extremely interesting and useful for my future career, such as: Tort and Contract Law, Legal Writing Skills, Advanced Legal Writing, Administrative Law….Thus, XYZ College would be an ideal international learning environment for me to research more deeply in law. With a Paralegal Postgraduate Certificate, a good command of English and soft skills obtained from Humber College, I believe I will have good chances to develop my career ladder to work more professionally when I come back to Vietnam.
I am looking forward to receiving your positive feedback so that I can make my dream come true. I truly believe that with your acceptance, it will be the first extremely good step for me to achieve my study goal and come back to Vietnam to accomplish my wish and serve my country.
If there is any more information you need to know, please contact me through my email
My sincere thanks!
Bài mẫu study plan 3 – Khóa Bachelor ngành Operations and Logistics
Dear Sir/Madam
From a young age I have had close contact with my farming relatives. Since then, the desire to deliver excellent agricultural products overseas has been growing in my mind.
Growing up in a developing country which is actively involved in the globalization process like Vietnam, I am aware of the opportunities as well as challenges that my country is facing. Although agriculture products are cheap and excellent here in Vietnam, they have not got the position in the global market as they should be. In fact, our products are struggling in the international market due to the underdevelopment of transportation, lack of connection, and shortage of human resources in international business and logistics areas. Therefore, the desire of doing something to help my fellow farmers and to contribute to my country is leading to my ultimate career goal: to manage my own business exporting agricultural stuff. My educational goal in university is to learn all related subjects and to acquire experiences that help me connect our naive farmers to experienced international importers.
After intensively researching the business programs with logistics majors around the world, I chose to study the Operations and Logistics program in University of British Columbia as a first step of my plan because of these following reasons. Firstly, the university is known for its high quality academics in business education and especially at the major
that I am attending. I found the Operations and Logistics program very interesting as it provides me all the knowledge and skills that I need to pursuit my career: supply chain,
logistics, inventory management, negotiation skills, international business. Besides solid general business foundation, this program provides in-depth professional courses like Business Logistics and Logistic Services Management (COM 448) or Transportation Economics (COM 446). Secondly, the University of British Columbia has a great diversity of students from all over the world and concentrates on expanding it. As an international student, I am convinced that living, studying and experiencing a multicultural environment is beneficial for my development. The differences between cultures, races and ethnics might result in different ways of thinking, different lifestyles, different perspectives that help me to learn many new things. Last but not least, the co-ops program in the University of British Columbia really captures my attention. I will have the opportunity to gain practical working experience which would be very valuable for me in
The future.After 4 years studying in Canada, coming back to Vietnam is the first thing I would do. I want to work as a logistic analyst in a multinational company. In these 3 to 5 beginning years of my career, I will try my best to make all the knowledge and skills that I will have acquired at the university applicable to real-life situations. After a few years gaining practical experience, examining Vietnamese agriculture market, accumulating financial resources and establishing strong connections with people, it will be the time for me to establish and operate my own business on agriculture and handicraft exporting. I would give my greatest effort to help the Vietnamese farmers get a broader and easier access to the international market.
I deeply understand the value of studying abroad would bring as I have witnessed how does it make a big contribution to my parents’ success in operating their companies while
growing up. I believe that the knowledge and experience that I could gain in Canada would be a strong foundation for my career in the future.
On Saturday, March 21 2015, I had a chance to talk Mr. Jeff Kiyooka- Recruiter- Adviser from The University of British Columbia , who came to Hanoi to meet all UBC-accepted
applicants individually to provide very specific information regarding study and life at UBC and Vancouver. With my academic background and well-informed preparation, I strongly believe in my academic success as well as my contribution at UBC.
I am looking forward to receiving your favorable consideration and Study Permit for my study at UBC.
Sincerely yours,
Nguồn: Duc Nguyen
Bài mẫu study plan 4 – Khóa Bachelor of Marketing Management
From: ……
No …,
Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam .
Email :
To: Visa Office
Consulate General of Canada
No 235, Dong Khoi St.,
District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
My name is…….. I graduated from Royal Melbourne Institution of
Technology (Vietnam) in 2009 and have had 5 year work experience at Nokia and Nielsen
Vietnam. I have been working as a market research senior executive.
When I started my career as a market researcher in Nielsen, the huge workload and intensive
work pressure there makes me want to quit. However, in the first catch-up with my line
manager at that time (she is the director of the Retail Measurement Service Department now),
she showed me something that has become my motivation for work and development – I was
definitely born for this job.
I enjoy analyzing different sources of data and pulling out the market-insights from the
numbers. I also love working with my clients and listening to their sharing about the
company’s marketing strategies. Based on those, I can use my knowledge to consult and
support them to build up great marketing plans. My 10 year plan is to become one of the most
trustworthy market consultants, who can contribute to the success of the clients. For being
able to do that, I need to improve my current knowledge of business and marketing, which is
still limited now. Therefore, I have decided to take a second degree, focus on marketing
management, which can support me in getting skills and knowledge for my career
After a lot of research on the internet and talking to some Vietnamese oversea students, I
would love to go abroad to North America for my study since this is the most well-known
region for the educational programs related to business and marketing. I decided to choose
Canada as the college and university system here is highly appreciated by theirs practical
courses. Some of my friends, who are currently living in Ontario and Alberta, also told me
that the country was very beautiful and peaceful, people there were friendly and the living
expense was quite reasonable. All those elements make Canada an ideal environment for
international students to study in.
The practicality is the first criterion for me to choose a school to study in. That is why after
searching and considering many options, I decided to choose Sheridan College for its down to
earth learning courses, which can provide me the necessary knowledge and skills for my
career development in Vietnam. There is also a co-op program, which can provide me the real
work experience in marketing during my 4 year study. Moreover, I also impressed with the
ambition for further development to become the university in the next 5 years of Sheridan
College. With that plan, I believe that the college has been invested a lot for bringing the best
programs and facilities to students. Last but not least, considering my family’s current
financial condition and plan, the school fee in Sheridan is also reasonable and affordable.
Luckily, I have been accepted to the program with the details as below:
– Course: Bachelor of Marketing Management
– Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
– Start Date: January 2015
– Completion Date: December 2018
After graduating, I will definitely come back to Vietnam with my family and keep pursuing
my career as a market research consultant in Nielsen Vietnam. Despite the stable growth of
the economy, Vietnam market becomes more and more competitive. That is why the market
research industry will be more important for all the companies as this is a very powerful tool
for the management team to understand more clearly about Vietnamese consumer, their rivals’
strategy and the market trends. Based on that, they can build up suitable strategies and action
plans to win at the Vietnam market. Foresee that, my current company (Nielsen) is now
considering Vietnam as one of the most potential market in Asia to invest in expanding the
business in the next 10 years. Vietnam in general and Nielsen Vietnam specifically, would
definitely be the ideal environment for me to develop my career after coming back to
I strongly believe that with my effort to improve my knowledge and skills and with all I get
from 4 year study in Sheridan College in Canada, I can become one of the best market
research consultants in Vietnam. Therefore, I would be very appreciated if I fortunately get
accepted to go to Canada for my study as this would be the next step in my long journey to
achieve my dream.
Thank you so much in advance for your consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Nguồn: Thuy Vu – Canada Dream – Du học, Định cư, Cuộc sống